Gilroy Growing Smarter

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GGS General Meeting Minutes from March 28, 2017

The meeting was called to order and minutes from the 2/28/17 meeting were approved.

Treasurer's Report - Carolyn Tognetti reported our bank balance and that the treasurer's transition from Dave Lima to Carolyn was completed. All Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) were filed with the City of Gilroy as well as the IRS forms declaring GGS as a 501c4 organization.


Bylaws-The final draft of the GGS Bylaws were discussed and approved as written. They will be posted on the GGS website.

Meeting location and frequency - the decision was made to continue to hold our meetings at the Gilroy Library and to hold them every other month. If an important issue comes up an extra meeting would be called if necessary.

Communication Plan- it was decided that meeting minutes and meeting announcements and important announcements would be sent directly to the working group. We will also post the minutes on our website for others to see. Communication between to the working group and the Executive Committee would be through the website. The Executive Committee will notify the larger mailing list members via GGS’s Mailchimp email of meeting notices and send out periodic newsletters and important "call-to-action" announcements.

High Speed Rail Update (HSR)-Connie Rogers reported that she attended the Chamber's Government Review Committee meeting where Ben Tripousis, the Northern CA Regional Director for High Speed Rail was the guest speaker. He reported that the "Preliminary Draft EIR" is being prepared and should be available sometime in August 2017. 

The pros and cons of the different alignments were discussed but no position was taken at this time. Connie announced that HSR is holding an Open House to provide information and receive community input on the project. It will be held on Tuesday, April 18 from 5-8 PM at the IFDES Hall, 250 Old Gilroy St. in Gilroy. Everyone was urged to attend so that they would be fully informed in order for GGS to take a position on a preferred alignment at our next meeting.


Bureau of Land Management Oil (BLM) -Gas Leasing and Development- John and Carolyn Hernandez spoke to the group regarding a public meeting they attended in March that was held at the Central Coast Field Office regarding an amendment to the BLM's Resource Management Plan (RMP). The BLM is asking for public comment by April 6 on the Environmental Impact Statement that is reviewing five different alternatives. The John and Carolyn felt this could be important to the GGS mission since it could affect the Sargent and Castro Valley Ranches just south of Gilroy west of Hwy. 101 and they volunteered to follow it and report back to GGS. It was agreed that this could be important. 


Planning Commission- Carolyn Tognetti reported that the April 6, meeting has been cancelled as was the March 2 meeting. A special meeting was held March 16 to discuss the AT&T cell tower that is located in Country Estates. The meeting was continued to a future date because AT&T did not provide the necessary information that the City had requested.

City Council- Pat Reinhart and Terry Yordan attended the March 6 meeting and spoke during the Public Comment for Items not on the agenda. Their concerns were about the Great Wolf Hotel and Waterslide development within Gilroy Gardens.  They asked about the status of the project and whether the public will have input into the final decision. Mayor Velasco only answered that the City was not in actual negotiations but were just having conversations with them. No answer was given regarding public input.

Coffee with the Mayor on Sat. March 11 – Sandie Silva and Reuben De La Rosa attended and reported that Mayor Velasco explained that housing costs the city money in services. Another person complained about the Urban Growth Boundary slowing job growth and the Mayor answered that the UGB was the law of the land and must be complied with. Questions were also asked about street repairs, traffic, the new hotel/water park and the 10th Street affordable housing project. There were approximately 40 people in attendance.

Downtown Business Association – Carol Marques met with Gary Walton, current President of the Association. She volunteered to serve on the Association’s Promotions Committee.  Carl Yordan has a meeting set up with Gary to see where he can volunteer with the GDBA.

Meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting is scheduled for May 23, 2017 at 7:00 at the Gilroy Library in the upstairs Community Room.