Candidates’ Q&A #1 of 6
/QUESTION 1: What do you know and understand about Gilroy’s Urban Growth Boundary passed by the voters in 2016? Where do you stand on it and why?
Read MoreQUESTION 1: What do you know and understand about Gilroy’s Urban Growth Boundary passed by the voters in 2016? Where do you stand on it and why?
Read MoreQUESTION 2: What is your knowledge of Gilroy’s Agricultural Mitigation Policy?
Read MoreQUESTION 3: How do you feel about the Builder’s Remedy being applied to two development applications in Gilroy? Did you know that using the Builder’s Remedy allows developers to avoid following our General Plan, avoid an environmental assessment (EIR), and avoid mitigation measures for environmental damage...
Read MoreQUESTION 4: The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) have developed a long-range plan for the nine Bay Area counties called Plan Bay Area 2050. Two of their seven transportation funding strategies are to increase toll roads and to charge drivers for vehicle miles traveled (this option would be implemented only if the state eliminates the current gas tax). How do you feel about these options and how would they impact Gilroy residents?
Read MoreQUESTION 5: What is your vision for the future relationship between Gilroy Gardens and the City of Gilroy?
Read MoreQUESTION 6: Gilroy City Council has taken a position opposing the quarry at Sargent Ranch. How will you actively support this position at the county level?
Read More…regarding the possible sale of Gilroy Gardens and the rest of the 535 acres which belong to the City. We are very concerned about a sale (rather than lease) because the City would lose control of the land. Tom said possibly the land could be protected by a conservation easement or a deed restriction…
Read MoreWhat would make Gilroy an even better place to live? It’s not billboards, especially not huge electronic ones! But the City is considering changes in our ordinance which would allow them…
Read MoreBased on our review of the DEIR, the following “significant and unavoidable impacts” (none can be fully mitigated) would have a permanent detrimental effect on health, environment, and quality of life within Gilroy, in addition to conflicting with several of our General Plan 2040 policies…
Read More… Results of Vote: 3 in favor of the Our Neighborhood Voices Initiative and 8 opposed to the initiative, so Gilroy Growing Smarter will not take a position….
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