Candidates’ Q&A #1 of 6
/In an effort to keep Gilroy voters informed, GGS has invited the 2024 candidates for Mayor and City Council to answer a series of questions on quality-of-life issues. Thank you all who participated, for your willingness to share your thoughts with our community!
QUESTION 1: What do you know and understand about Gilroy’s Urban Growth Boundary passed by the voters in 2016? Where do you stand on it and why?
A1: Gilroy’s Urban Growth Boundary was established in 2016 when Measure H passed. It was placed on the ballot in response to attempts by the then City Council to expand the city limits north of Day Road between Santa Teresa Blvd and Monterey Road. As I expected, LAFCO did not approve the annexation and, in fact, challenged the actions of the then City Council. It has always been my belief that LAFCO itself is enough to protect against urban sprawl, and that is why I did not support Measure H in 2016.
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A1: The Urban Growth Boundary was initiated by a group of citizens, at the grassroots level, to prevent urban sprawl and to maintain our ag. heritage and character. The ordinance was designed to focus growth within our, already established, boundaries and ensure expansion does not overrun our protected areas. As someone who works in ag/hort./construction, Gilroy’s agriculture heritage and economic impact is very important to me. I appreciate that this ordinance has forced city leaders and managers to look inward and find more creative ways to develop infill lots. With a creative, yet deliberate, Economic Development plan, I believe we can create a vibrant economy while protecting the green belt and ag. zones around Gilroy.
For more info from this candidate, visit:
A1: I was a founding member of Gilroy Growing Smarter and chair of the field campaign Yes on H. I believe I have a firm grasp on the UGB, what it is and why we needed it. I still support the UGB as it protects our greenbelt against sprawl but still allows for low income housing.
For more info from this candidate, visit:
A1: Measure H, passed by voters in 2016, created an Urban Growth Boundary to help protect Gilroy’s agricultural lands and natural spaces from unchecked development. It ensures that growth happens within the city’s existing limits, preserving our open spaces and rural charm. As a beekeeper and someone passionate about maintaining our agricultural roots, I fully support this. I think we have great opportunities to embrace agritourism, which could bring visitors and boost our local economy while celebrating what makes Gilroy unique. Keeping infrastructure tight within our boundaries is also a much more fiscally responsible approach for the city. Expanding too soon stretches resources thin and makes it harder to maintain quality services. By focusing on smart growth within the current limits, we can invest in our community’s future without overextending ourselves financially.
For more info from this candidate, visit:
A1: I have read it. I voted for it. I understand its core purpose and mission. I know that hindsight is 20/20, and given C19 and other factors, it likely was the right direction. Where I stand on it is that it is now policy that must be followed and there are exceptions that can be made within it if necessary.
For more info from this candidate, visit:
Candidate ZACH HILTON responded, declining the invitation. Candidates KELLY RAMIREZ and FRED TOVAR did not respond.