Gilroy Growing Smarter

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GGS General Meeting Minutes from 5/23/17

1.  Meeting was called to order by Chair, Connie Rogers and introductions were made by the fourteen members present.

2. Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer, Carolyn Tognetti.


A. High Speed Rail Alignment – copies of the comparative charts of three alignments studied in the report commissioned by the City Council were handed out. Discussion was held on the merits of the three alternatives that were studied in the report.  The three alignments studied were 1) The Viaduct to Downtown Station, 2) The Embankment to Downtown Station and 3) The Embankment to East of Gilroy Station. The report studied both the environmental effects as well as the economic effects both positive and negative.

After much discussion centered on which of the three alignments most closely supported the goals and purposes of Measure H and the Urban Growth Boundary, it was determined that Alternative 1 uses the least amount of agricultural land, is the least growth-inducing and is the most beneficial to the revitalization of our downtown. A motion was made by Joey Weitz and seconded by Janet Espinosa, to support Alternative 1, the Viaduct to Downtown Station.  The motion passed unanimously with two abstentions.      

It was then decided we should send out a Mail Chimp notice to our full membership stating our position with the link to the city website showing the full HSR report as well as post this on our website.  Connie Rogers will also write a comment letter to the City with our position urging the Council to choose Alternative 1.  Connie will also speak on behalf of GGS at the City Council meeting. Others were also encouraged to attend and speak supporting our position.


A. General Plan 20/40 Gilroy Growing Smarter Representative - two members volunteered to serve as the GGS representative to the General Plan 20/40.  Carol Marques and Joey Weitz discussed this between themselves and decided that Joey would be the representative with Carol Marques as the alternate if alternates will be allowed by the City Council.


A. Downtown Business Association - Carol Marques reported that efforts are under way with the Promotion Sub-committee. And Carl Yordan met with Gary Walton, Downtown Business Association’s Chair. Carl also volunteered with the Demonstration Garden.

B. Executive Committee – Connie Rogers reported that she has been in contact with Camille McCormack, a local citizen who has filed a lawsuit against the City regarding the City’s planned removal of 235 dead or sickly trees.  The suit states that the agenda item regarding this was not properly noticed to the public, there was no review as required by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and that there were other improprieties done.

C. Next Meeting – our next meeting was changed from Tuesday, July 25 to Tuesday, August 1, 2017.