Gilroy Growing Smarter

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GGS Meeting Minutes from June 18, 2019

7:07 Called to order

Treasurers Report:  Balance is in good standing
Minutes approved from online posting


General Plan Economic Development Report:  Council direction is to proceed without incorporating the recommendations from the EDC Plan to include housing east of Hwy. 101

July 22 and July 23 public outreach meetings are scheduled for General Plan:
Monday July 22, 6:30-8:30 pm at Eliot Elementary School 475 Old Gilroy St, Gilroy or
Tuesday July 23, 6:30-8:30 pm at Luigi Aprea Elementary School 9225 Calle Del Rey, Gilroy

GGS Concerns on these meetings

1.  General Plan Committee wants to hear from the public and then further discuss from that input so it is important that GGS alerts its membership to attend. 

2. Dates during summer are not ideal-council needs this process completed so staff has to keep pushing forward.

3. How is city going to promote these meetings? Walt will write a news alert and send out to the GGS large mailing list, Dispatch and Gilroy Life and Chrys will post on GGS website. Post on Next Door as well., Gilroy Community for a better downtown, and Gilroy Gold are other possible sites to post.  Have 3 specific, compelling reasons why people should attend:  Density, traffic issues, and heights of buildings.

2020 Council Election Process:  Mayor and council seats:  We need one more council person that will speak up for GGS issues.  GGS needs a timeline to ensure that we are proactive well in advance. We need to try to identify candidates by our August meeting.  More promotion is needed of why GGS supports specific candidates. Connie will  contact current council members to see if they are running for sure. We can’t support too many candidates as it spreads the votes too thin. 

High Speed Rail:  Coming to July 1 council meeting to state their alignment choice. 

June 20 Planning Commission Agenda:  Next phase of Glen Loma 171 residential lots/125 acres. August study session on capital improvement: firehouse and tenth street bridge will be discussed. The fire station has not been built yet  due to the city sending the plans back for size reductions to save money.


Downtown: There is a proposed Coffee shop at old Texaco Station:  City is being difficult because they feel the owner is changing the front of the building but the owner is just replacing windows and doors with no structural change.  The process for new businesses is still not customer friendly. $4,000 must be spent upfront for a proposal that can be approved or not and the money is not refunded if project not approved.

Coffee with Mayor:  More of us should attend to ask specific questions

Next Meeting: August 20, 2019
Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 p.m.  Respectfully Submitted by Dana Wolfe