GGS General Meeting Minutes from Jan. 16, 2018
I. Meeting was called to order by Chair Connie Rogers and brief introductions were made
by the attendees.
II. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
III, Treasurer, Carolyn Tognetti, gave the financial report and stated that she would
be completing the Semi-annual FPPC Form 460 due on January 31, 2018.
A. High Speed Rail – Janet Espinosa read a letter she received from Francisco
Villalobos of Santa Clara County regarding the County’s preferences for the High
Speed Rail alignment that affects land in the county. They stated that they would
want the alignment to avoid the agricultural land in the rural unincorporated area.
Connie verified that Gilroy Growing Smarter still thought we should send a letter
to the High Speed Rail Authority recommending the Downtown Viaduct
Alignment. The unanimous consensus was that GGS should send the letter and c.c. the
City and County .
B. Great Wolf Lodge – no new activity but we are not absolutely sure they will not be back.
C. Newsletter – a GGS was sent to our 300 + members in November and was posted
on NextDoor as well.
D. Hecker Pass Agri-tourism Commercial project – this project was pulled from the
Planning Commission agenda and has not been re-scheduled. But it is sure to be
coming in the near future. GGS will be following it closely.
A. New Secretary - Due to family obligations, Sandie Silva, has resigned as Secretary and the
Executive Committee, she will still be able to post our newsletter and e-mails. Dana Wolfe
volunteered to take Sandie’s position as Secretary and to serve on the Executive Board.
B. Downtown Gilroy – Carl Yordan reported that he met with Michelle Campbell and Melanie
Corona of the Downtown Association. He said that they have many challenges but he
would want to focus on economic vitality and promotions. Carl discussed the need for
increased safety and the need to hide the empty store fronts with better façade screens.
He stated that the Organization Committee is a top-level committee with the most help and
others like the Promotion Committee need more people to get involved.
Carol Marques and Linda West have also been meeting with city staff to see what can be
done about the empty buildings, façade improvements, keeping the area clean and the
implementation of Main Street USA. Carol asked the group for approval for them to
state that GGS also wants to see improvements made in the downtown. The unanimous
consensus was that Carol and Linda could state that GGS is in agreement as they
continue to meet with those involved with the downtown.
A. 20/40 General Plan - Carolyn reported that the next meeting on the General Plan is
scheduled for March 22, 2018.
Next GGS meeting is scheduled for March 6, 2018.