Stay involved in your community.
/We just had a very productive first meeting of Gilroy Growing Smarter, "reinvented". Thanks to all of you that were able to come. We are in process of forming small committees to take on some specific tasks. We will be sending you that information very soon and those of you that have not signed up for a committee that would like to, can at that time.
We did want to let you know today about an upcoming city council planning meeting that is this Saturday, Feb 4th and open to the public. The meeting will be held in the city council chambers from 9am-3pm.
This meeting is just one part of the process to us all actively staying involved in our city government and continuing to preserve open spaces and farmland, revitalizing our downtown and promoting jobs instead of urban sprawl.
We hope that you will be able to attend the planning meeting this Saturday. Please feel to forward this message on to any other community members that may be interested.
Thanks for your continued support,
Executive Committee of Gilroy Growing Smarter