Thanks to all that made the first meeting!
Just to recap, we discussed how Gilroy Growing Smarter first began and introduced ourselves to each other. We talked about our future purpose as a sort of "watch dog group" and what our methods and values would be. We decided that out of the sign ups from our first meeting on January 31st, that we would form small committees for some specific tasks with 2-4 people per each committee:
* Observe and participate in 20/40 General Plan Process
Walt- 20/40 and on planning commission
Carolyn (plus more)
* Observe and participate in High Speed Rail meetings
Janet- HSR and County Affairs and on planning commission
Carolyn and John
* City Council Meetings
Jenn- housing, bike ped, at large
Mary S
* Planning Commission Meetings
Janet- HSR and County Affairs and on planning commission
Tom- just an observer and is on planning commission
Rebeca - " "
Walt- 20/40 and on planning commission
* Coffee with the Mayor
* Call for Public Action through newsletter and website on important issues
Craig and Chrys signed up to maintain Website
Sandie has signed up to handle mailchimp
Joey- help with newsletter, revitalization com
* Write Comments on the Draft EIR for High Speed Rail- Summer 2017
* Write Comments on the Draft EIR for City's 20/40 General Plan- late 2017 or early 2018
* Downtown Business Association
Mary Y
As you can see, we will have plenty to do and lots of overlap. With good organization within each group, we should each only have to attend a meeting about once a month or so and coordinate with only a few other people to keep the group or committee going.
Executive Committee of Gilroy Growing Smarter will take input from all of the different committees and discusses it and formulates public communication to our whole group at large, our website and newsletters.
We will have our large group meetings to discuss specific topics and calls for action that may be needed at that time such as public statements, letter writing, etc...
Any member is always welcome to speak out on any issue publicly of course, as an individual.
Our next large group meeting date Tuesday, February 28th at 7pm in the DOWNSTAIRS meeting room of the library.
Thanks for staying involved,
Gilroy Growing Smarter Executive Committee