GGS General Meeting Minutes from May 8, 2018
/Called to order at 7:06 @ Gilroy Public Library
Minutes from March emailed previously- minutes stand approved.
- High speed rail plan is to spend money on electrification on SF to Gilroy. Negotiations need to happen between Southern Pacific and HSR. It is likely that a downtown station would be built to align with existing infrastructure. The City of Gilroy sent a comment letter, so Connie submitted a request to get a copy of the letter. HSR is being driven by the idea of connecting the Silicon Valley to southern California and the San Joaquin Valley for access to more affordable housing. Money is a big concern, so HSR is trying to complete a section of it quickly in order to maintain support. HSR will create great demand for housing in Gilroy especially near the HSR station.
- Agri-tourism proposed parcel on Hecker Pass: Resident concerns: access goes in front of newly developed residential neighborhoods; Connie suggested that the house slated to be demolished would be a better location for access to the agri-tourism parcel. The developer is sneaking in apartments by calling them “live/work units”. The best argument against it is, “the project does not fit with the intent of the specific plan for small-scale businesses”. Acceleration and deceleration lanes are required by Cal Trans near intersections on highways so this could prevent access from 152 itself. Could a frontage road be used? Loss of historic deodar cedar trees is a huge concern. Hecker Pass should be a “scenic highway”.
- Focus on Downtown: Carol and Linda are currently meeting with the council members again to see how things are moving along since they last met. After meeting, they will publicly publish their document of ideas to reflect the progress of the City. May 14 is a meeting to give input on potential ideas. The buildings downtown are “historic” so it makes changes difficult. The city is hiring a firm to update the Historic Building Inventory and evaluate the buildings to determine their status under CEQA. This evaluation is also hoped to suggest ways to update the buildings without losing their historic significance.
Glen Loma is beginning the next phase of the Specific Plan on 103 acres proposing town homes, a town center and 256 affordable units between Miller Avenue and Ascencion Solorsano Middle School along Santa Teresa Blvd. The developer will pay for most, but not all of the fire station as costs have increased since the project was approved. Without a 10th Street bridge, the fire station will only be able to serve part of the community they are near. Glen Loma is asking the city to decide if they want the fire station now or take the money instead of the station. The city would have to contribute about $2 million of the cost of the new fire station.
Planning Commission: Miller Red Barn was approved local historic status; two more residential projects on Hecker Pass coming up for next week’s meeting.
General Plan: on hold as waiting for economic study; our concern is that they will manipulate the UGB statistics; we need to make sure that we educate everyone on the facts.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 7
Meeting Adjourned: 8:54 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Dana Wolfe