Gilroy Growing Smarter

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Mark Your Calendars: Voice your Choice for the Future Design of Gilroy!

City Council will vote on the final Preferred Land-Use Alternative for the 2040 General Plan:

Monday Nov. 18, 2019, 6-9pm at City Council Chambers.

2 issues of GGS concern:

1. The General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) recommends that the First Street Corridor (Focus Area 3 from the recent community workshops) be allowed a maximum of 4-story building construction. However, the Planning Commission is recommending a higher density alternative that allows 6 stories, and can be up to 7 stories, with density bonuses.

2. Gilroy’s GPAC recommends Focus Area 5 (between Buena Vista and Leavesley) be designated as an Employment Center. However, Gilroy’s Planning Commission is recommending Focus Area 5 be designated as high density housing. (FYI, GPAC had also recommended 60% single family housing plus 40% mixed densities in both Focus areas 1 (Northern) and 2 (Southern) Neighborhood Districts).

Gilroy Growing Smarter Executive Committee feels that 6-7 story buildings along First Street do not fit the character of the area or reflect the results of the community workshops; and that an Employment Center or Business Park in Focus Area 5 would benefit the community, with potentially higher-paying local jobs that reduce the impacts of commuting. GGS also feels a Park for existing homes would be desirable in Focus area 5.

We need your help. Please voice your choice at the Council Meeting on 11/18, 6-9pm.
Let’s keep Gilroy Healthy & Beautiful!

Gilroy City Council Meeting
Monday, Nov. 18, 2019
6:00 - 9:00 PM
City Hall Council Chambers
7351 Rosanna Street