GGS Meeting Minutes from October 15, 2019

Called to Order: 7:02p

Minutes posted on the website

Treasurer’s Report was given by Carolyn.


A. General Plan: Planning Commission voted to recommend two changes to focus areas that GPAC had decided on. First was Focus 5 between Buena Vista and Leavesley: Changed from Employment Center to high density housing. GPAC had decided on 60% single family and then 40% mixed densities in Focus areas 1 and 2, in both of the Neighborhood Districts.

Second, for the First Street Corridor (Focus Area 3), GPAC chose Concept #1 Mixed-Use Low which only allows a maximum of 4 stories. But the Planning Commission voted for the higher density alternative that allows 6 stories and can be up to 7 stories with density bonuses. The GPAC did not feel that 6-7 story buildings fit the character of the area.

The State has dictated that all general plans are now required to have an Equity/Engagement Element and a community meeting in a specified area, the east side of Gilroy. The meeting is on Friday, Nov. 8 6:30-8:30 at Gilroy Prep School on IOOF Street.

Council has the final say on which Alternatives will be chosen and will vote on their preferred alternative on Nov. 18 6pm at the Council Chambers, City Hall. We recommend that the GPAC original recommendations be upheld and provide a park for the existing houses that are in that area of Focus area #5.

B. Informational only - Use of 9 million in city funds that are a carry-over of unspent money from other budgets

Possibilities for use of the funds are: 1. Glen Loma Fire station (has to be built by the time 1,100 permits are issued. If not built by then, then no other permits can be issued). 2. Tenth Street Bridge (could borrow funds from other city sources to augment any funds set aside), 3. Trust Fund for CalPers obligations (but once money is put in, then it can’t be used for other purposes). It was decided that GGS will not be taking a position, as it is out of our realm of developmental/growth concerns.

C. 2020 Election: so far Tovar, Marques, Armendariz are known to be running.

D. The Dispatch wrote an article about not enough commercial land within the Urban Growth Boundary. This is inaccurate as there is quite a lot of land within the UGB, however it still needs to be brought into the Gilroy city limits and would need LAFCO approval to do so. GGS needs to explain this to the Dispatch so they can report accurately.


Oct. 24 GPAC was cancelled and December 12 is next meeting. This meeting will discuss the policies that go along with the preferred alternative. Some policies from our current GP were discontinued, most likely by Staff but no discussion with the GPAC was held about why they were deleted. GPAC members should ask why and have discussion.

Wren Investors development will be on the agenda at the Planning Commission meeting Thursday, Oct. 17. It is about 55-60 acres across from Antonio Del Buono School that would include about 350 housing units. It has to go to LAFCO to be brought into the city limits and developed. If approved then a Specific Plan will be required. The whole process would take about 5 years. GGS decided not to oppose it as we have previously. An EIR will be done later when there is a Specific Plan for that area. It is probably the next logical area for residential development when needed.


Planning Commission: very few meetings have been held lately other than the previously discussed GPAC and Wren Investors Urban Service Area request.

City Council: Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)- Governor Newsom just passed laws that will force council to change decision the Council made about required parking spaces.

Coffee with Mayor: Google property purchase for tree farming discussed. Mayor is meeting with undisclosed tech committee this week that is interested in coming to Gilroy.

Historic Heritage Committee: Meeting tomorrow night Oct. 16.

Downtown Business Association: Planning department continues to not be applicant friendly. Councilwoman Carol Marques researched a number of other cities and found that they have a much more efficient and easier development application process than Gilroy does. She gave a report to the Council about her findings and made suggestions for four areas to improve an applicant’s process. They are:
1. reduce the number of plan checks,
2. approve plans based on zoning laws, specific design criteria without personal subjectivity,
3. planners need to define the word “Significance” for historic buildings under CEQA,
4. Trained staff that works together. This will be addressed in January.

Next GGS Member Meeting: January 14, 2020 7pm

Meeting Adjourned at 9:03 p.m.