GGS Meeting Minutes from January 25, 2022
/Called to order: 7:01 p.m.
“Our Neighborhood Voices” Initiative Discussion and Vote:
Signatures are being collected and due by April to qualify this Initiative for the Nov. 2022 ballot. It would amend the state constitution and allow local communities to use their own ordinances if they objected to state land use and housing laws.
Recently passed SB10 would allow Measure H to possibly be overturned by a 2/3 vote of our Council. Some think that our present Council might do this. Many people think that SB 9 would eliminate single family housing zoning, but others disagree.
There are CEQA concerns that the Initiative would allow the California Environmental Quality Act to be overridden, but the debate is out there.
If they disagree with the new state laws, must a City Council revert to previous ordinances or can they write new legislation?
Are the new state laws actually helping at all to provide affordable housing and help alleviate homelessness? We don’t think so, although allowing people to add on ADU’s and duplexes can help.
The ability to override laws is the biggest concern about the Neighborhood Voices Initiative, along with it being loosely written.
If the ONV Initiative passes, we could look at numbers and establish a rate of growth as Gilroy used to have.
Committee for Green Foothills analysis: This ONV initiative might not be limited to housing laws, but could have many unintended consequences, including environmental consequences, because it is loosely written.
The Initiative originated in Redondo Beach, which is a wealthy coastal community. Redondo Beach has not been supportive of affordable housing and there might be an ulterior motive for that city’s benefit.
Results of Vote: 3 in favor of the Our Neighborhood Voices initiative and 8 opposed to the initiative, so Gilroy Growing Smarter will not take a position.
Amazon Distribution Center Discussion:
have to pay into a traffic impact fund, but not specifically the widening of the bridge. Gilroy would get property tax, but no sales tax from this business. It is located on the NE corner of Hwy. 152 and Camino Arroyo, known as the Machado property.
Development was originally required to widen the Tenth Street overpass, but the requirements have changed. It is unclear if the property would be required to widen the bridge or just contribute to the Traffic Impact Fee.
Other Notes:
Daniel Chung will hold a town hall to introduce himself as a candidate for District Attorney. Carol will send out invitations.
Zoe Lofgren is still our representative even though her district lines have been redrawn.
Adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Dana Wolfe, secretary