GGS Meeting Minutes from October 16, 2018

Called to order:  7:04 at the Gilroy Library

$1,178.45 after paying bill for candidate endorsement event.
$204 was spent on the event thanks to Old City Hall generosity. 
$25 donation received.

Candidate Endorsement

Event was successful and well attended.

Agri-tourism parcel on Hecker Pass
Disappointed in the vote approval as it did not uphold what the specific plan called for. Gilroy Golf Course is going to be impacted. We need to keep an eye on the development as things change as the project moves forward.

City Council Candidates 
GGS is nonpartisan. Ideas to keep momentum going: Email weekly endorsement reminders, tables outside grocery stores (time is short as many people have voted already), Connie, Phil, and Carolyn will be at Nob Hill and Safeway this weekend. Carolyn will make flyer and Dana will make 500 copies with our endorsed candidates info. Connie will send out an email to ask for volunteers,  letters to the editor and post on Next Door.

October 18 there is a General Plan Status Report at 10:30 at the Coffee with the Mayor this Saturday at the library. We should attend with prepared questions.

October 29 at 6:00 at council chambers there is a meeting to discuss bringing the sports park into the city. It is within the Urban Growth Boundary.

Planning Commission
: Market rate apartment complex plan submitted: 78 units 5 stories where granite store is right now on Monterey.

City Council: New Hope Community Church infill development is almost approved by Uvas Creek by Las Animas School. BMX unpaved practice track being proposed (location is being disputed). Hospital purchase discussion was on consent agenda.

Historic Heritage Committee meeting Oct. 16 at 6:00 in the council chambers—progress report on historic building inventory.

Attendance Policy for Commissions: one must call in, if going to be absent. One unexcused absence, then your seat is vacated.

Downtown Business Assn: Beer Crawl this Saturday.

Executive Committee- Candidate Endorsements.

December 11, 2018

Meeting Adjourned at 8:50.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Dana Wolfe.