GGS Meeting Minutes from Dec. 11, 2018
/Called to order: 7:04 with introductions
October 16, 2018 Meeting Minutes Approved
Carolyn Gave the Treasurers Report.
Hecker Pass agri-tourism parcel: Access point might be revised due to golf course concerns and expenses. The developer could sell the project to a builder who would then have to build according to current terms of approval as any significant changes would have to be approved by council.
Election Results: Carol Marques received second highest number of votes.
Side Discussion: Review of historic building modifications at the Historic Heritage Committee costs a fee of $5,000 as cost recovery for the city. A plan must be presented by city staff as well as meeting arrangements, etc. Cost Recovery Fee means that each individual project pays for itself so city does not take money out of the general fund which is tax payer money.
Side Discussion: Mayor and City Manager are considering making changes to commissions and possibly eliminating some due to difficulty filling vacancies.
High Speed Rail Update: Have decided to electrify from San Francisco to Gilroy. The EIR is delayed a year, business plan shows blended system of tracks adjacent to the UP tracks (footprint will be smaller) as they are short on money, HSR Authority is not effective at advertising/notifying the meetings. There have been great number of staffing changes of HSR in administrative positions.
Council Study Sessions on 10/29 and 11/26: no new info except:
May move demonstration garden to Christmas Hill Park next to the red barn so the current garden location could be used as a parking lot.
Eminent Domain can occur if the city declares a building blighted, but the city would have to then use it for public benefit such as putting in a park or a parking lot, etc.
Our discussion: it is easy to paint, or fix missing tiles or similar signage on all downtown businesses. CEQA supersedes all other policies.
LAFCO Future Reviews: Council decided to apply to annex the Sports Park into city, the 78 acres they already own.
Our Discussion: The city met with the Land Trust of Santa Clara Valley Executive Director, Greg Leonard and board members Carolyn Tognetti and Kevin O’ Day. The original estimate of cost to mitigate was changed from $245,000 an acre to $50,000 an acre. We are concerned about inaccurate information being presented to the city. Council has stated that the Sports Park is a priority.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:55 p.m.
Minutes Respectfully Submitted by Dana Wolfe